Young Adults
Finding community in certain stages of life can be difficult, especially for young adults. You have graduated high school and have begun work or college. Your friend group has changed and you are suddenly in a new stage of life. You might be single or married, and you may have kids of your own. No matter what your situation is, we have a place for you!
Our young adult ministry is for adults in their 20's and early 30's, single or married, parents or not. All are welcome. We do fun stuff and study God's Word together. We offer a place to just hang out with other people who are in a similar boat.
Interested in our Young Adults ministry? Contact Pastor Ben at and he will get you plugged in!
Small Groups
We value community because we believe that as Christians we are meant to do life together. Small groups give us an opportunity to build relationships, study God's word, and pray for each other in a more personal context. We encourage everyone to join a small group so that they can experience being cared for, encouraged, and challenged to grow by our church community.
We have two different types of small groups at CrossRoads. The first is what we call “Connection Groups,” they meet on Sundays during our Sunday school hour. These groups are designed to meet the needs of those who have busy schedules during the week or who may desire childcare during their group time.
We also have “Home Groups,” which are designed to allow for a more casual setting and a bit more time to dig into the study and prayer time with your group. Our Home Groups usually meet for about two hours and meet in the home of someone in the group.
Both groups exist to help you CONNECT with God and each other, LEARN how to live out your faith, and GROW spiritually.

Connection Groups
Connection Groups meet during the Worship Service times (9:00 a.m.). They are made up of groups of 8-12 people spending time connecting in fellowship, studying God’s Word and praying for one another.
No sign-up is needed to join a connection group. Simply arrive at the appropriate classroom from our signs posted in the lobby and a group leader will greet you and help you get started. However, if you have questions about which group might be a good fit for you contact Pastor Ben (, he would love to help find the best fit for getting connected.
Home Groups
Home Groups meet on a weeknight in the home of someone in your group. They usually run every other week during the school year and take the summer off.
If you would like to join a Home Group click below so that you can begin the journey of growing together with other followers of Jesus:
Frequently Asked Questions about Small Groups:
What is the difference between Connection Groups and Home Groups?
It is very similar. They have the same shared values of connect, learn, grow. The biggest difference is that Connection Groups meet at church on Sundays and only have an hour and Small Groups meet in people’s homes usually for about two hours. Small Groups are designed to help people in our church “do life together.” They are encouraged to build in opportunities for fellowship, serving together, and deeper study and accountability. However, Connection Groups are designed to be more accessible to those with young children and busy weeknight schedules. Both have advantages and we believe that both will help you grow spiritually, learn about God, and connect with other believers in a meaningful way. We hope that between these two opportunities you will be able to find a way to connect that best fits the season of life that you are in right now. Of course, if you have any questions Pastor Joey would love to help you identify the best fit for you.
What will we be learning or studying? Can we study whatever we want?
Both groups study with a prepared set of discussion questions that dig deeper into the sermon material from that week or that morning. We believe that this will provide our groups with an opportunity to not just learn Biblical truth but also challenge one another to apply this truth to their everyday lives.
How can I become a Small Group leader?
Contact Pastor Joey, he would love to talk to you about being a group leader for either type of group. Or if you would like to start a new group he would be glad to connect you with resources and support to get started!
If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask Pastor Ben when you see him or send him and email at