Sunday School
10:30 - 11:30 AM
Youth Group
5:45 - 7:45 PM
5:45 PM Dinner together
6:15 PM Groups discussion
Jr. & Sr. High will meet in the Ministry Center (MC)
Both Sunday School and Youth Group take place September-May. To view youth group events taking place click HERE.
Connect With Us
If you are not a member of our CrossRoads Student Ministries Facebook group, we highly recommend that you connect by CLICKING HERE. This link will take you there and you can request to have access to this private page.
Please see our Facebook page for Summer Event information.
To join Remind to start receiving updates and notices about Youth events, send a text to "81010" with the message: "@crc4"
Registration & Forms
If your student(s) plan on attending ANY youth group events (grades 7th-12th) at CrossRoads, please complete the registration link below. Registration is required for your students to attend.
Winter Weather Policy
We follow the Fergus Falls School District's cancellation, delay & early dismissal policy:
If school is CANCELLED, AWANA & Youth Group activities are CANCELLED.
If school is DISMISSED EARLY, AWANA & Youth Group activities are CANCELLED.
If there is a LATE START but school is dismissed on time, AWANA & Youth Group activities are ON.